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Laura Donnay

Date of birth: November 24, 1989

Place of birth: Liège (Belgium)

Citizenship: Belgian


Academic Positions

Since 2021: Assistant Professor at SISSA (Italy).


2021-2022: University Assistant (Gravity & Holography) at the Technical University of Vienna (Austria).


2019 - 2021: Marie Sklodowska-Curie Fellow at the Technical University of Vienna (Austria).


2017 - 2019: Black Hole Initiative Fellow and Post doctoral Researcher at Harvard University (USA).


2016 - 2017: Post-doctoral Researcher at Harvard University (USA) and BAEF Fellow.




2012 - 2016  Ph.D. in Physical Sciences

Université Libre de Bruxelles (Belgium)

Awarding date: May 11, 2016

Thesis: "Symmetries and dynamics for non-AdS backgrounds in three-dimensional gravity" 

Supervisor: Glenn Barnich.


2010 - 2012 Master in Physical Sciences

Université Libre de Bruxelles (Belgium)

Awarding date: June 29, 2012


2007 - 2010 Bachelor in Physical Sciences

Université de Liège (Belgium)

Awarding date: June 30, 2010



Grants and Fellowships

ERC Starting Grant 2022

European Commission, GA 101076737


START Prize, 2021

Austrian Science Fund (FWF) 


Marie Sklodowska-Curie Individual Fellowship

H2020-MSCA-IF-2016, HoloBH - 746297.


Black Hole Initiative Fellowship

Harvard University, USA.


Belgian American Educational Foundation (BAEF) - Paul Vermel Fellowship, 2016-2017.


FRIA Fellowship

Belgian National Fund for Scientific Research (FNRS, Belgium): 2012-2014 and 2014-2016.





See here

Last update:  May 2024


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